本店提供各類花球, 手花, 襟花等等. 如有興趣請登入以下網址http://floristhouse.com/

Showtime Dance Studio 2016限時爆抵優惠 新報名學跳舞憑此coupon可以 超級優惠價$50試玩一堂 或以$250任選4堂不同style課程 另外舊同學凡推薦一位新同學報名8堂或以上 均可獲贈1堂免費! 限時優惠,萬勿錯過啦! 2016最新老師及課堂 Danie - Girl Style@星期五6:00-7:30 Suki Lee - JazzFunk@星期六1:30-3:

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運動及健身 / 場地出租jb fitness studio

The Life Auditorium Suitable for lectures, conferences, presentations, concerts etc. Seating Capacity: 800 Facilities included: Grand Piano, A/V System, Technical support. Hire Cost: Monday - Fir
S運動及健身 / 場地出租St.Andrew Church

GSL Technology International Limited specialized in the Document Imaging industry
G商業 / 印刷GSL Technology Ltd

The Hong Kong Sailing Federation (HKSF), formerly Hong Kong Yachting Association, is the national authority for the sport of sailing in Hong Kong. Founded as the Hong Kong Yacht Racing Federation in

Airport Representatives will be on duty at arrival hall anytime during operation hours of the Airport, to Meet-and Greet guest and to assist and escort them to the limousine lounge. Airport check-in
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Clean Air Services ( CAS ), a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Clean Air Group (HK) Ltd., has engaged in air-conditioning design, installation and maintenance since the eighties. To cope with the todays
C商業 / 清潔及滅蟲Clean Air Services

PPS to most people - is a name that is synonymous with quality and reliability. Established in 1976, over the years we have grown from a local cleaning service provider into today's market leader. Ou
商業 / 清潔及滅蟲寶聯Pollution & Protection Services Ltd.

About PremiumSoft PremiumSoft was founded in 1999 and is a fast growing company, aiming at accelerating application development and database management with software that enhance productivity and max
A手機電腦互聯網 / 程式編寫Asia Pacific Region

Teachers maintain a current, vital connection with the work of BKS Iyengar. Students benefit from the high quality of instruction and personal attention


I write letters, proposal and handle claims for a living. In business for 14 years. Fully trained in law. If you need to send an appropriately worded letterGovernment departments, business partners o

Living Colors 花適生活為一間柔合傳統花藝設 計及現代創作概念於一身之花、禮品專門店 提供 悼念花籃 歡迎查詢 http://www.livingcolors.com.hk Our Mission Your satisfaction is our first priority!! We understand that our flower arrangements carrying
鮮花及禮籃 / 帛事鮮花花適生活

Perfect Shape Up Programme Phillip Wain has always stressed the importance of healthy weight loss for slimmers. And offering a customized combination of exercise equipment, slimming regimes and balan
P美容 / 纖體修身Phillip Wain Fitness and Beauty


HATHA YOGA The most ancient , complete , and popular form of yoga for mental and physical health. [Effective from September-17-2 007] MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY SUNDAY Enrolmen
A運動及健身 / 瑜伽Amico Studio

mYoga… 一切由您出發 自2006年成立以來,我們最關注的,一直是您的想法、您的體驗。我們的目標簡單而明確:創造一個截然不同的健身體驗,在繁忙的都市中心,開拓出一片屬於您的天空;讓您在友善和諧的氣氛下學習瑜伽,絶不感覺拘束,亦不在乎高低優劣的比較;身心完全放鬆,焦點重新調整,享受自我。 我們知道,與眾不同的瑜伽體驗並不單靠導師們在技術上的知識、國際認可的專業資格,以及累積多年的
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